Monday, 14 October 2019

The cake disaster

on the holiday me and luke decorate a cake . the cake was for his dad birthday so we go down to four square to get some toppings. so he decided to ghet whippd cream and strawberris and i being a weirdo decided to get a carrot for a candle and sunflower seeds for sprinkles. we went back to his home and we started the decorating. luke went with a pattern of whipped cream and cut strawberris while i put the carrot on the cake and sunflower seeds. then we travel through to his dad house and we all had fun time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Mase Shontayne here from your classroom, I like how you put "so much effort" in to this writing I like how you put on the interesting part of the aforementioned day sounds fun how you decorated the cake, sounds like you and luke had fun decorating this cake, question did you make it to?

  3. That sounds like a very interesting cake. What did he think of it? Awesome that you and Luke are still hanging out :)
    Please remember to check your punctuation though, you have forgotten all the basics in this.
