Monday, 13 May 2019


Aerodynamics are the study of how planes and other solid objects have fluent motion through the air. The four forces of Aerodynamics are WLTD (Weight,Lift,Thrust,Drag),said forces making an object move up or down and quicker or slower. Weight is the amount of gravity that is then multiplied by the mass of said object. So for example,a kite is smaller than a jet,therefore the kite has less weight to overcome,meanwhile a jet is bigger in mass and has more weight to overcome. Lift is the force that allows objects to fly upwards. Planes can provide lift because of their wing design. The wings are curved on the top and are flat on the bottom,therefore there is less air pressure on the top wing and more air pressure on the bottom side of the wing,giving it that lift. Thrust is the force that pushes objects forward and planes support this by propeller or jet engines (Depending on the size of the plane). Drag is the force that tries to pull back on a object. Drag is dependent on resistance,such as running through water. Air gives less drag than water, and airplanes can resist more drag because they are narrow objects.

This is for free writing



  1. Mase, I love that you choose such interesting things to write about. Was this topic sparked from our Rocket Challenge?? You seem to have a pretty good understanding of such a tricky subject. Hopefully you can pull it all together to build a super flying rocket :) Maybe next time you could add a picture to help your readers get a visual of what you are talking about.

  2. kio ra my Name is Hukarere I go to tautoro school by kaikohe I love how you had all of your big words and I just wont to say you look like this boy name tristan heres his link to his blog

  3. Hi Mase my name is sweyde at Tautoro school you remind me of my mate tristan. I like your writing its set out nicely. If you want to go on tristans blog its

  4. Hi Mase you had a good explanation on Aerodynamics. I liked the way you are putting big words in your text my name is Mark. I am from Tautoro school I am a year 5.

  5. Kia ora Mase,
    My name is Missy and I am a year 8 student and I attend Paihia School. I was scrolling through your blog when I saw an interesting word (Aerodynamics). I had no idea that planes and other objects have fluent motion through the air. I think you did really well at describing what aerodynamics are and how they move. In my opinion you have very detailed writing and will go very far in writing later on in the future. But next time you could maybe add a photo so your viewers can have a visual understanding of what your talking about.

    1. Yeah, I probably should have added a picture for that. Thanks for the future preference.
