Wednesday, 16 June 2021

[insert catchy title here]


Hello, it's Mase back with some more Social Studies work. For this task, we were instructed to research about a specific rule coming to lands around the Far North, called the SNA's (significant natural areas). With the SNA, the Far North District Council have imposed specific rules around protecting habitats and species with high ecological value. If a landowner would like to develop or subdivide their land, they need both resource consent from the council and to protect Significant Natural Area, either through fencing or a covenant. There are a few positives to this, including:
- Protection of the environment.
- Control of the environment, including vegetation clearing.
- Cracking down on poachers and such.
But there are a few negatives to this too, like how fencing off and protecting an SNA will have to come out of your own wallet. There is no compensation for protecting the land. And furthermore, it actually just imposes a lot on landowners wanting to develop the land as they will need resource consent.

Overall, I personally think they need to review their rules quite a bit before implementing it.
Well anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this post.
Signing off,