Monday, 1 July 2019


Bio-psychology is the application of the principles of the branch of Biology and uses those studies to focus on the mechanisms of the behavioral side of a humans brain. This study evolved from the scientific and philosophical traditions of the 18th and 19th century. Rene Descartes was a major figure in forming this, as he had suggested that the pineal gland (a unpaired structure in the spinal cord section of the brain) was the point of contact between the mind and body. Although Descartes was a major figure in this study, there were also other great figures that majorly contributed to this, such as William James.

Hello, this is Mase with my last piece of free writing for this term. I really wanted to write about this, as I've really enjoyed writing about medical things over the term and it's quite interesting to write about this. Anyway, enjoy this piece!

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